Friday 19 April 2013


The first draft of the CD front cover
The first draft of the tour poster
I think that overall my unit 17 went well. For the unit. I designed a variety of promotional material for the band Linkin Park such as the album front and back cover as well as a few inserts. I also designed a one sheet for the band and a tour poster.

The original designs were not well received by the client, he said that they did not give the audience a good impression of the sort of band that Linkin Park are. He also commented that the designs did not live up to the standards of the band. Another criticism that I received was that there was no continuity between the products. I took this as constructive criticism and went off to redesign the products. Before I did this however, I created a production schedule for myself. This outlined the time that I would spend on each product. I made some slight changes to this schedule as I wanted to spend more time on the products to make some improvements to them.

I thought about having continuity and found an image (a skull) which I thought represented the band well. I then placed this on all of the products except for the one sheet as I felt it would look out of place. I edited the image differently for each product to make it fit them better.
The final CD front cover design

I think that this also gives the audience an idea of the type of band that Linkin Park are. This helped to rectify two of the problems that the client found with the original designs.

I feel that my redesigned products are of a good quality and importantly I think that they will appeal to the target audience. This was something that I kept in mind when doing the new designs. I used a simple black and white colour scheme in order to engage with as many of people as possible. This is because Linkin Park have a wide audience which typically ranges from teenagers and older people of both genders. I felt that black and white was a safe choice of colours because they would not put many people off. The client said that the colour scheme was one of the best parts of the new designs however he still felt that some were not as good as others. He also commented positively on the fact that there was now a clear link between all of the products and that the new designs were considerably better than the originals. The client said that I should remove the WB logo from the CD front cover.

The client said that the one sheet was very well ordered and purposely designed. I was happy with these comments as I had worked hard to make the one sheet look professional.

I used Adobe Photoshop to design all of the products. I chose this programme because I had experience with it in the past. It also has a lot of effects available to use. I used these effects to edit the skull image for each of the products. For the CD front cover, I made the image dark through the use of a variety of effects. I did this because it is the main image on the cover and the background is white. This means that the image contrasts well and stands out. This is also the reason that I put the band name in white. I added a outline to this so that it could be seen against the white background. For the back cover, I made the skull more transparent so that it could blend in to the background more. Although I wanted the CD design to be simple, the client suggested that they were too simple. If I was to redo the CD, I would have more images and I would use a different font for the title of the album. I think that the font looks a little too plain. I might also make the font a little larger.

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